Tuesday, April 17, 2007

the secret of ETF

I arrived home last Thursday night to a spotless apartment, a dozen red roses on the counter, and chinese take-out. Jordan devoted the entire evening to "us". I felt like a million dollars. But the truth is, even without a clean house and roses, he manages to lift me to heights I've never known everyday. I know that sounds hopelessly cheesey, but it's so true. The secret to my talents is him. He makes me feel like I can do anything, anytime. He's so supportive. I never have a reason to doubt my abilities, and as a result, his faith in me continutally strenghtens my abilities.

So I challenged myself this weekend to find a few "new" shots of his dozen roses that maybe haven't been taken before. I admit, not all of these are completely original, but I'd love to hear which one of these gets the "new" award or just struck your fancy.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Liz, my favorite picture of the roses in the one where you are looking through the roses and the focus is on the "I love you" on the fridge...such a unique shot and it captures the roses and the reason he got them for you, he loves you!! Thanks again for everything this weekend...you guys are awesome